Wednesday, February 10, 2010

EARLY Mornings

Why do some kids get up early and others sleep? Jack gets up early. I mean early! If we make it into the 6's with Jack we do a happy dance. When Jack wakes up he is ready to go. We bring him in bed with us in hopes of a little more sleep or quiet time but to Jack it is play time. He will snuggle, wrestle, jump, talk, whatever to get our attention and keep us from sleeping. Jack is always in such a happy mood in the morning it is often hard to keep from enjoying his company and laughing with him. This week Jeff has been traveling for work so it has been me and the kids. Jack is getting his two year molars which have impacted his sleep and also make it so he wakes up earlier than usual. Jack and I have spent some quality time together at 5am. I tried snuggling, tv, books, everything but Jack wants to play. Each time I would start to drift off to sleep I get an enthusiastic 'hi mommy' with a giggle and a bop on the head. Someday I know I will look back and miss these early mornings so I will try and enjoy them now. If I could only get my espresso machine into my bedroom.

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