Monday, October 25, 2010

Football, Track and Biking

Today was one of the first really rainy windy fall days. Not ideal given Julia decided today would be a great day to take one nap, and this nap only lasted an hour (this girl really knows how to make a mom go insane with her unwillingness to nap). So we headed to the basement and played a few sports.....As usual Jack's first choice was football (tackle style), oh my..... then it was on to track (races down our hallway to a toy made finish line). Per Jack's rules everyone has to participate in all sports, so Julia and I also did some football hikes, long hallway passes, tackled Jack, and had some good hallway races. Finally it cleared to we headed outside for some biking. These two LOVE their bikes! After an afternoon of sports, I am pooped, I just hope Julia is too so we can all sleep a little!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fall Birthdays

A little behind on my postings..... We celebrated both Jack and Julia's birthdays this fall. Julia's 1st birthday in September and Jack's 3rd birthday today!

Julia's Birthday

Jack's 3rd Birthday, celebrated at a pumpkin patch with some of his buddies

The boys had a few wheelbarrow races