Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Julia and her Diet Coke

I love my diet coke. Everyday around noon when Jack goes down for his nap Julia and I get to hang out. We eat lunch together and I have my diet coke. Julia also loves diet coke but for different reasons. As I drink it she tries to grab at it so today I used it to try and get her to crawl. She got her little bum up in the air a few times and tried to slither towards it, but mostly just stared at it and rolled around it. I love having time with both Jack and Julia but sometimes it is so fun to have some one on one time. Just Julia, me and our beloved diet coke.

1 comment:

  1. love it! we are so similar...diet coke at noon, trying to keep it out of jane's hands :) I'm impressed Julia will stay on her tummy for that long! The moment I put Jane on her tummy she flips over. I don't think she will ever crawl..
