Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Julia is Six Months

Julia is six months old. We can hardly believe it, time as really flown by! We have loved getting to know Julia and she is showing us more and more of her spunky personality each day. We love you Julia because..
- you have the most wonderful smile that warms any ones heart, especially your mommys
- your laugh is hilarious sort of a giggle with a few loud squeals
- you love to be tickled on your belly. One of my favorite Julia laughs and smiles is when you are on the swing at the park and I tickle your belly, such a wide smile and cute giggle laugh!
- you LOVE to eat, so far we have had sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, avocado, apples pears, blueberries, prunes and bananas. you love them all! You love to make a mess with your food and just want more more more!
- you love to see your mom and dad in the middle of the night. We are still working on this one, but we love you so much it is hard not to be happy to see you even at 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am and 6am some nights
- you absolutely LOVE your brother Jack. Your eyes follow Jack wherever he goes and you don't seem to mind when he rolls over you, tackles you, jumps on you, drags you by the feet, and on and on.
- you love the baby bjorn. Thank you, thank you, thank you, as I am not sure what I would do without my bjorn and I am so happy you love it!
- you are a squirmy active little thing! You mastered rolling both sides, you love your tummy, you can turn in a circle and inchworm forward, and you are trying so hard to crawl.
Here are a few pictures that capture our cute little six month old.

Fun on the swing
Playtime with JackBlue eyes on the changing table

Trying to crawl

Fun in the jumperoo!

Julia's Six Month Celebration

Julia had her six month half birthday at the end of last week. We celebrated with some mini cupcakes from cupcake royale....
Julia and Mommy while Jack napped. Okay so Julia did not eat her cupcake I did, but she tried to!

After nap time we had a little bday party. Julia wanted to eat the cupcake so badly that she drooled all over her shirt.
Jack gave Julia a little taste while I was trying to capture a few pictures. I was not planning on giving her chocolate yet, but oh well, she seemed to like it!Happy Birthday Girl!

Julia and Jack at six months

Jack and Julia at six months. At four months they looked somewhat similar and had the same weight and similar height stats, but now at the six month mark they do not look alike much at all and their stats are starting to change too. It is so fun to watch Julia grow!


Julia 16lbs 10oz, 25 1/2 inches

Jack at 6 months 15lbs 13 oz, 26 1/4 inches

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Julia and her Diet Coke

I love my diet coke. Everyday around noon when Jack goes down for his nap Julia and I get to hang out. We eat lunch together and I have my diet coke. Julia also loves diet coke but for different reasons. As I drink it she tries to grab at it so today I used it to try and get her to crawl. She got her little bum up in the air a few times and tried to slither towards it, but mostly just stared at it and rolled around it. I love having time with both Jack and Julia but sometimes it is so fun to have some one on one time. Just Julia, me and our beloved diet coke.

Yum Yum

Julia really enjoys eating. It is so different from our experiences with Jack. Jack would eat maybe a few bites and then start to thrown things at us as we were feeding him and refuse to eat any more. Julia on the other hand cannot get enough. She LOVES to eat and LOVES to make a mess!!

I give Julia two spoons, one for her to play with and one for me to feed her so that there are better odds more of the food will make it in her mouth as opposed to her chin, cheeks, and hair.

Guemes Fun

We headed up to Guemes for a quick weekend getaway with the kids. It was so nice to get out of Seattle for a weekend. We had our friends the Schucharts up for a night as well. Jomie and Jack had a blast running, digging, chasing, golfing etc. So much fun for all of us!

It was cold Saturday morning so we bundled the kids and took a walk to the local store/restaurant for a yummy warm breakfast.

Jack did not care it was raining he thought biking was still a great idea

Golfing with a helmet and rain boots on the gravel, why not

Jack tried to pick up all the logs on the beach. Most were too heavy but he tried with all his might to lift them!
Julia and Mommy. Poor Julia always in the bjorn, Net time we head up there she will get to plan in the sand, but Mom was not quite ready for that this time.

Jack doing some running. He basically ran the whole time we were up there. This kids likes to run!!

Jack's trademark face when he is concentrating on something.
So much fun with Daddy!

Jack and Jomie's Adventures.... logs in the water
Beach running

Hanging with their dads


And after a long day of fun, bath time!