I really did not know how Jack would react once we brought Julia home. Jack has taken his role as big brother very seriously and wants to help with Julia in every way, and I mean every way! The first thing jack does when he wakes up in the morning or from a nap is say, 'where's sissy?' If he cannot quickly locate her he gets mad and keeps saying sissy, sissy, sissy until we can show her to him. Julia's naps are not acceptable to Jack. He always wants her awake and playing with him (ok she cannot really play with him yet, but he liked to think she can). Here are a few pics of how jack likes t help put with Julia.
Julia is fussy in the evening between about 6-8pm so after dinner we often head downstairs and go on the bouncy ball. Jack likes to help and gets on his own bouncy ball to bounce with us.
I took the kids to the doctor last week because Julia decided it would be great to have a week where she really did not sleep much as all at night so we went to see if we could help her sleep (she is doing better so far this week, hurrah!). Jack got to pick out a sticker for himself and one for Julia. He thought Julia's should go on her foot, as you can see in this pic. Not sure why the foot was a good place for it but when I suggested it go somewhere else on her Jack's response was 'no no no, here!'
Oh no - that's so funny how he climbs into her crib! I thought Jack opening Jane's door and saying "Jane wake up" was bad.......good luck!! :)